[twoSIScooking 蛋糕食譜] My favourite Pandan Chiffon Cake Recipe


Coconut Milk Foam with Pandan Chiffon Cake | twoSIScooking recipe

【新鮮班蘭】椰子奶蓋 班蘭戚風蛋糕食譜 | 天然無色素 班蘭味香濃配方 

Coconut Milk Foam with Pandan Chiffon Cake Recipes 椰子奶蓋 班蘭戚風蛋糕

Hello大家好!Hi everyone! 呢個食譜做出來嘅蛋糕非常鬆軟 ,班蘭味香濃,配埋椰子奶蓋絕對上到大場面呀!大家快啲試下啦~ This pandan chiffon cake recipe is super yummy! With the use of coconut foam on top of the cake, an upgraded version is done!
Pandan Chiffon Cake班蘭戚風蛋糕 Recipe: Pandan Juice班蘭汁 Pandan班蘭葉 40g約6片 Water水 100g Chiffon cake戚風蛋糕 3 egg yolk蛋黃 Sugar糖 25g (for egg yolk) Oil植物油 15g Fresh pandan juice新鮮班蘭汁 30g Cake flour低筋麵粉 55g Coconut milk椰漿 45g 3 egg white蛋白 Sugar糖 50g (for egg white) Coconut Milk Foam椰子奶蓋 Coconut Milk椰漿 50g Whipping cream淡忌廉 50g Honey蜜糖 10g Salt鹽 適量 Vanilla Extract雲呢拿精 1 tsp Milk牛奶 10g (For adjustment) Shredded coconut椰絲 適量

To better understand the procedures, feel free to check out my Youtube Channel~


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