[twoSIScooking 曲奇食譜] Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies you must Learn!


Chocolate chip cookies | twoSIScooking recipe

[新手必學] 朱古力粒曲奇食譜

Hi everyone! I love eating chocolate chip cookies very much. This is my own recipe to make perfect chocolate chip cookies. You only need a few ingredients to make the delicious cookies. Enjoy~

Chocolate chip cookies recipe by twoSIScooking

Recipe👩‍🍳🍪:大約33塊 (33 pieces) 材料Ingredients: 室溫(軟化)無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter 200g 糖霜/糖粉 Icing Sugar 120g 蛋汁 Egg 34g 低筋麵粉 Cake Flour 280g 可可粉 Cocoa powder 20g 巧克力粒 Chocolate chips 30g (可加入果仁或莓乾等材料) 步驟Steps : 1.先把牛油放置室溫軟化,後加入糖霜拌勻
Put the butter at room temperature to soften, then add the icing sugar and mix well.
Add the egg in 2 times and mix well. 3.後加入已過篩的低筋麵粉、可可粉拌勻
Add the sieved low-gluten flour and cocoa powder and mix well. 4.全部混合均勻後加入巧克力粒
Add the chocolate chips after mixing all the ingredients. 5.後用牛油紙包好放進長方形或正方形盒子,冷藏2小時
Wrap it in butter paper and put it in a rectangular or square box, and refrigerate for 2 hours. 6. 2小時後從冰箱拿出,然後切塊,並預熱焗爐170°C
Take it out of the refrigerator after 2 hours, then cut into pieces, and preheat the oven to 170°C
7. 然後焗170°C 15分鐘 ,便完成!
Then bake at 170°C for 15 minutes, and you are done!

#新手必學 #零失敗系列 #朱古力粒曲奇 #Chocolatechipcookies

To better understand the procedures, feel free to check out my Youtube Channel~


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